We service and repair all kinds of Flutes: Student or professional, from Piccolo to Bass Flutes. Each Instrument is different, so prices are given on assessment only. Please get in touch and tell us about your Flute - this will give us an idea of what your instrument may need. Generally we work on three different servicing levels and the state of repair, the age or even the make and model can all be factors to what level of servicing your Flute needs. We can do small repairs on assessment if no servicing is needed for a small charge. Flute is Sun's main instrument and we offer key adaptation and extensions to make you play at your best. If you have any particular playing problems please let us know - we might be able to get your Flute set up just right for you.
If your Flute is in general good state and the materials are still workable, we can work on your Instrument without stripping it down fully. We will seat pads and replace a few if needed along with any missing or compressed felts and corks. We will regulate the keywork, and set it up to get the instrument back into good playing order. We can do noninvasive dent work or freeing up binding keywork, and can adjust spring tension for ease of play. We will remove and inspect the head cork, and can improve the fit of the tenons if needed.
If your Flute needs polishing or if the keywork is getting rattly or sluggish we can strip down parts or the whole instrument. This allows us to remove old oil, clean toneholes and pads, polish up tarnish and lubricate and refresh the Flute. Tarnish can damage the silver on Flutes and it should be removed regularly. We can do more invasive dent work and do work on the body of the instrument. We will still set it up on assembly to good playing order, and will make sure it leaves us in tip top state.
If more than half the pads and felts on an Instrument needs changing it may be time for a full re-pad. We can strip down and clean every moving part, then replace all pads and other consumables like corks and felts, setting it up using all fresh materials. This gives your Instrument a fresh start, leaving us as good as new as possible.
In partnership with Dawkes Music, Sun is now running a one day, interactive, hands-on course teaching you how to get to know your flute better. Please press the button below or get in touch through our Contact page for more information.